Monday, May 28, 2007

Hi all,
Why everytime come to this blog so sian one..only kc and mi posting and posting..pls larr people, we are inviting you all, post something larr..if there is no tagboard, then i really feel that kc and I are juz talking to each other..K? So now, everything would juz focus on the 6hope gathering..

Kangchyi is also an organiser..we are trying our best to gather everyone up for this 6hope gathering..i am glad that when i met a 6hoper, she ask mi when is the gathering..thank goodness 6hope is not so class-spirited as wad kc say..

I am trying out this poll, it's juz right at the bottom..scroll scroll scroll and look to your left..So, please select your option..there are two on details and one on timing..please kindly vote..and majority wins..and if you have other brilliant idea, please please email or msn kc or me..and if you want to combine [for example, movies with arcade] pls vote one of them [movie]and email or msn another one [arcade] to kc or me..thanks lerr..

I am trying the poll out..please hope it works..

loves; 11:39 PM;

i knew this blog is going to rot away.
fine, nevermind.

there's nothing i can do. we can't possibily tell you the password for the adminstrators and me and shenghui are using our on account to post.

whatever. i guess you guys don't care.

next about the class gathering.
what? chalet? BBQ? movies? or what?
please take note that IT WILL BE HARD TO COLLECT MONEY since all of us are scattered all over singapore. morever, it will be IMPOSSIBLE to have a date where EVERYONE is available.

and so, what?

msn me or send me email ba.

loves; 8:42 PM;

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

first, i dun noe why, kc's post is under mine.. =,= very funny..ok, now veri good mood coz my chinese common test over liaox! Hipee! Ok, here right promote my blog, you wan see my blog, go under the tags of this 6hp blog for mine..Hehe..
My Main Purpose is:
1. Class Gathering
2. KC's suggestion

Ok, now the class gathering, because there WILL be some clashes with some of you out there, so, email or send a message to mi to inform mi the dates you are unavailable. K? And soon, after my common test on Wed, i will sort out everything and DEFInitely you will receive a call or SMS or email or message frm mi i will ask for your suggestions. =D wan to be the organiser of the gathering? wait for my email and answer my questions in the mail;..{ps. it is only for 6hopers,..and my questions are based on the chinese common test i had} jiayous and gd luck!

Next, wad KC have suggested, the wad book..quite i will also do this probably in the holidays..i will also get the chairman (if you forgot, marcel) and vice-char (terre) to do this. K? coz not fair mahx..i do everything..somemor i DUN hold a post in the Class Committee in 6hope. Right..Ok, after all these, hope you will wait for my email/SMS/message/call tomorrow!

Thanks everyone!
6Hopers and NO 6Hopeless.

Your best 6Hoperr
Sheng Hui

loves; 5:28 PM;

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ok, I must admit, I am the second who post..1st runner-up..applause for kang chyi for coming in the first! *clap, clap*

Ok, right, today gonna tell 6hopers 2 things. Very Important..Listen up.

1. New Blog. How can you participate?
2. 6hope Class Gathering

Ok, first, welcome to 6hope special blog created overnight from 9sth to 12sth by Kang Chyi and me..Credits to her for her special efforts. Ok, how can you participate? If you have read Kang Chyi's FIRST post, you can post and be authors..nice right. Email her or me now, and we will invite you. Sorry for the wrong message conveyed. We will not give you the password but you can be invited as authors. =) So, start now!

Next, 6hope Class Gathering. Separated for abt 5months..miss one another mahx? Hope you are still in touch with one another..Now, is another chance to meet everybody up and become pri6s again. Haha. So, definitely is juneHolidays..muz grab this period of, muz check your email account, if not, your phone memory if i got call a not..I would either make you all do a survey if not call those who do not haf email address. Dun worry, i will tell everybody =,=.. Kkaes, so check your email address for my email! :)

thank for reading too.
sixHOPERS and NO sixHOPELESS. (From Mrs Yap)
Sheng Hui.

loves; 10:20 PM;

ok, yo people, here i am again!

ok lah, i added a few people like zi siang, sabrina and ting yew.
they never request, but i can only seem to remember their email.
and not all people are interested in posting, so i only chose a few like those with blogs.

i actually was actually surprised when i saw so many people tagging at this blog.
i thought 6 hope was a class with no class spirit whatsoever.
[although that's the truth, compared to my new class.]

so, quite touched. and yep, hope we can stay it this way or even better.
unfortunately, not all of the classmates are aware of this blog.

and MAYBE, we will lose contact with each other over the years.
and GOOD suggestions?

do one "belated year book" and mail it [not electronic mail] to everyone?
or what? but we need to collect information and keep the "information" updated.
like next time we can go for chalet or something.

is this job up to sheng hui?
ok lor~ i have a rough idea that the whole the piece of thing will be like lah.

something like that. or any better suggestions?
like paste a PHOTO?
hahahaha NO WAY.

loves; 12:43 AM;

ok , so this blog is not a virgin anymore.

uhem, don't think wai wai.
i actually wanted to reserve the rights of posting first to shenghui.
but since there's nothing here, i'll be the first one then.

thank you ar! *wave wave*

ok, regarding to people wanting to post here, please just EMAIL ME or SHENG HUI.
we will invite you to become an author of this blog.

giving passwords to EVERYBODY doesn't seems to be too effective.
and if you want to post,
don't have a blogger/google account,
please kindly go and CREATE AN ACCOUNT.

thank you for reading.
Kang Chyi

loves; 12:43 AM;

le femme

a primary six class in the year ohSIX.
they are the sixHOPERS. and people think they're HOPELESS.
this particular class consists of 39 people. and in this year twoTHOUSANDseven,
they're all in different secondary schools, leading different lifes.
but, 6HOPE will always remain in their hearts.
and not to mention the last part of their primary school memory took place in

Jiayan || Bukit Panjang Govt High
Cheryl || Buit Panjang Govt High
June || West Spring Sec
Nichol || Nan Hua High
Yiwei || West Spring Sec
Xinyi || West Spring Sec
Xueting || Nan Hua High
Xinyu || Choa Chu Kang Sec
Atikah || Cresent Girls Sec
Olivia || Nan Hua High
Xiuhui || River Valley High
Jamie || Kranji Sec
Sabrina || Nan Hua High
Kangchyi || River Valley High
Ruiwu || Nan Hua High
Jiayu || West Spring Sec
Yating || West Spring Sec
Huiting || Kranji Sec
Arvin || Choa Chu Kang Sec
Shenghui || Hwa Chong Institution
Yuzheng || West Spring Sec
Yongan || West Spring Sec
Justin || Swiss Cottage Sec
Kevin || Kranji Sec
Alfred || West Spring Sec
Zisiang || River Valley High
Edwin || ZhengHua Sec
Weihong || Dunearn Sec
Marcel || Hwa Chong Institution
Marcus || Bukit Panjang Govt High
Martin || Anglo Chinese School
Kiankuan || Swiss Cottage Sec
Xinzhi || ZhengHua Sec
Keith || West Spring Sec
Royston || Chung Cheng High
Weiheng || Kranji Sec
Tingyew || West Spring Sec
Terre || Hwa Chong Institution
Adam || West Spring Sec

marchent l'entretien

les copains




ainsi hiers

May 2007
June 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
April 2008
June 2008